Landscape, Wildlife, Travel, & Milky Way Photography

Featured in Vail Valley Magazine

Look for the Sum­mer 2024 Vail Val­ley Mag­a­zine to see a selec­tion of astropho­tog­ra­phy tak­en in the Fall of 2023. I am donat­ing a por­tion of pro­ceeds of all sales of my image “Old Haunts” to Can Do MS.

Meet Josh Mishell

Hey there. I’m Josh Mishell, a Col­orado-based pho­tog­ra­ph­er who spe­cial­izes in astropho­tog­ra­phy, wildlife, land­scapes, exot­ic trav­el loca­tions, and more. There’s some­thing spe­cial about being able to cap­ture a moment in time. The moment is fleet­ing, but the pho­tos help me re-live those mem­o­ries. I love vivid sat­u­rat­ed col­or, the Milky Way sea­son with dark skies and bright stars, the moun­tains, and sun­ris­es and sunsets.

I have a won­der­ful wife, two amaz­ing Scot­tish Ter­ri­ers, and am pas­sion­ate about live music, play­ing gui­tar, and family.